[Part 2] JavaScript Closures: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Content:

Continuting from Part 1, we resume on Advanced Closure Techniques

The Module Pattern

The Module Pattern is a popular design pattern in JavaScript that uses closures to create reusable and self-contained modules with private state and public methods. It helps achieve information hiding and encapsulation in JavaScript.

const myModule = (function() {
  let privateVar = 0; // Private variable

  function privateFunction() {
    // Private function

  function publicFunction() {
    privateFunction(); // Access private function
    console.log(`privateVar: ${privateVar}`);

  function publicFunction2() {
    privateVar = 42; // Access private variable

  // Reveal public functions
  return {

myModule.publicFunction(); // Output: "privateVar: 1"
myModule.publicFunction(); // Output: "privateVar: 2"
myModule.publicFunction2(); // Update private variable

// Cannot access private members directly
console.log(myModule.privateVar); // undefined
myModule.privateFunction(); // Error

In this example, we create a module using an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) that creates a private scope. Inside this scope, we define private variables and functions. We then return an object with the publicly accessible functions, which are closures that have access to the private state and functions.

The publicFunction and publicFunction2 closures can access and modify the private privateVar and call the private privateFunction, while the private members are not accessible from outside the module.

Emulating Private Methods with Closures

JavaScript doesn't have a built-in way to define private methods for objects or classes. However, we can emulate private methods using closures.

function Person(name) {
  const getName = () => name;

  const setName = (newName) => {
    name = newName;

  const sayHello = () => {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${getName()}`);

  return {

const person = Person('John');
person.sayHello(); // Output: "Hello, my name is John"
person.sayHello(); // Output: "Hello, my name is Jane"

In this example, we create a Person function that returns an object with public methods sayHello and setName. These methods are closures that have access to the private name variable and the private getName function. We can update the name variable indirectly through the setName method, and the getName function is used internally by sayHello to access the current name value.

While this pattern provides a way to emulate private methods, it has some limitations compared to the true private methods available in modern JavaScript with classes. However, it's a useful technique to understand how closures can be used for information hiding and encapsulation.


Closures are a powerful and versatile feature of JavaScript that enable a wide range of programming patterns and techniques. From creating private variables and methods to implementing function factories, memoization, currying, and the Module Pattern, closures are fundamental to many advanced JavaScript concepts.

By understanding closures and their relationship with lexical scoping, you can write more expressive and efficient JavaScript code, achieve better code organization and encapsulation, and unlock advanced patterns and techniques that will take your JavaScript skills to the next level.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced JavaScript developer, mastering closures is a crucial step in becoming proficient in this dynamic and powerful language.